
Portion list is provided to the parents at the beginning of every term.

Exam schedule
Assessments are conducted class wise at the end of every term.

School Timings
9:00am to 12:30pm.

Children should be at the School at 9.00 am sharp. Prayer starts at 9.05 followed by meditation, spiritual & patriotic songs, exercises, story session & action songs. Apart from the above mentioned activities the children are also taught drill & yoga. Other activities include colouring, threading beads, clay modeling, lacing, puzzles, matching, grading, sorting etc.
School closes for 2 weeks during Dussera, 1 week during Christmas & New year & 1 week during Sankranti. School closes for Summer in the first week of April & reopens in the first week of June.
We accomodate a limited number of children with special needs. They are integrated in the regular classes & are also given individualized attention.

Suggestion to Parents:
Help the child do the homework at a fixed time in the evening, read stories to them regularly, get them to school on time. Develop healthy eating habits & make sure that the child gets proper sleep & avoid late nights.