
                   Fancy Dress Competition - 2011
We wish to thank and express our appreciation to all the parents for making "The Fancy Dress Show (1st event of this academic year ) a grand success



Its time for the first programme of the year - Fancy Dress Show.Its not a competition but a platform am for the little ones to face  a big audience and an opportunity  for the 

parents  to show case their varied ideas and talents by training their wards to perform on stage.

Fancy Dress is on September 23  Friday-

10 am to 11 am for the Nursery Class

11.30 to 12.30 f0r the L.K.G Class 

1.00 pm to 2.00pm for the U.K.G.Class.

There is a participation prize for every child and a special gift for the parent whose idea and effort would be adjudged the best.

Fancy Dress Competition 2010